Home Travel Tips What is Travel Enthusiast: Best 35 Ways Become a Travel Enthusiast

What is Travel Enthusiast: Best 35 Ways Become a Travel Enthusiast

What Is A Travel Enthusiast
Photo credit: enthusiastictravel.com

As a travel enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of or read about social travel. And if you want to learn more about traveling social, you’ve come to the correct place. What Is A Travel Enthusiast: Best 35 Ways To Become A Travel Enthusiast Social travel is more than just visiting a new place and getting away from the monotony of daily life.

With social travel, you may meet like-minded travelers from all over the world and travel together to discover new areas of mutual interest and create wonderful memories.

It is an ideal mantra for those who normally travel alone and may want the assistance of a travel partner to experience the adventure and peacefulness of traveling while also guiding a beginner solo traveler to get them around a new place OR vice versa.

Many varied features of travel, such as views, attractions, food, history, and so on, make it enjoyable.

What Exactly Is A Travel Enthusiast?

If you enjoy traveling, you know there is no better feeling than arranging a trip. You spend hours planning where you want to go and which towns or countries you want to see. A city can be ideal for traveling for a variety of reasons, including art museums, historical attractions, delicious food, nightlife, and more!

A globe is a large place with many diverse things to do in it. This blog post will address the fundamentals of what a travel enthusiast should know before embarking on their first journey.

How to Become a Travel Addict

There are numerous paths to becoming a traveler. Some may visit family or friends who live overseas, participate in an international trip with their school, or set aside time each year to travel to different areas.

There are several things one can do to become a true travel enthusiast:

1. Refresh your travel bucket list.

Making (or updating) a travel bucket list is one of the finest ways to look forward to future travel. You might not be able to travel there right now, but making a list of your ideal destinations will give you something to look forward to in the future.

Begin by making a list of where you’ve already gone and what you liked best about each trip. This will give you a solid notion of where you want to go next, and it will also give you that wonderful feeling when you mark a location as ‘finished.’

2. Respect Your Time

Networking takes time but is necessary. If you’re seeking for the best business networking techniques, take into account all of your free time while traveling. You only need a laptop, an internet connection, and a strong determination to achieve. This is one of the most important business networking tips: make the most of every opportunity.

While seeing people in person is crucial, you can also connect through social media. In fact, the time spent going to business meetings can provide the ideal opportunity to connect with others in a real-world setting, growing your customer base as people see you as a person rather than a brand.

3. Prepare Both Your Mind And Your Body

Being a travel enthusiast necessitates physical fitness and the ability to enjoy the experiences that the globe has to offer. You can try yoga or other exercises, such as joining a gym. This will maintain your body fit and ready for long journeys.

Your mind, like your body, need attention. Stress-relieving activities can assist. If you are going through a difficult time, do not be afraid to seek counseling or medical attention.

4. Take Your Time

Whether you are a traveler or not, this is something that everyone should think about. There is no disputing that it is all too tempting to do everything at once. Travel, on the other hand, is about living each moment to the utmost.

It’s as if travel is more about quality than quantity, and the slower and calmer you become on the inside, the more incredible your trip experience will be on the outside. So, wherever you are, take a deep breath and soak in everything around you while moving slowly.

This will give you an entirely different perspective on life. And perhaps, in the end, that is what traveling is all about.

5. Visit Abroad Family Members Or Friends

It’s always fun to visit family members who reside in other parts of the world when you live in the United States. Whether I’m visiting my grandparents in Italy or a close friend in New York, I always appreciate spending time with the people I care about.

Not only does seeing my family members in other countries astound me, but I always learn something new from them as well. Furthermore, they frequently expose me to the food and culture of their town or city, making for an even more enjoyable journey.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Travel Alone!

I’m one of those people that dislikes traveling with other people, though I don’t mind it every now and then. But other times, particularly when I first arrive in a new location, I prefer to go out on my own and explore.

When you go out on your own, you are forced to meet new people, learn new things, and participate in thrilling adventures that you would not be able to participate in if you went with a group of friends.

It may be difficult at first, but it is ultimately worthwhile because traveling alone is one of the most gratifying ways to travel in my opinion!

7. Prepare yourself to face adversities.

Whether you travel alone or with a friend, it defines your personality. Yes, traveling sharpens your intellect, broadens your viewpoint, teaches you to live in the now, teaches you to respect life’s experiences, and teaches you to roll with the punches.

When you return from your trip, you will be better able to face your daily obstacles in life. The new skills you learn from the people you encounter on the road, as well as the unexpected challenges you face during your journey, will prepare you to face challenges head-on. It’s no surprise that experienced travelers are often problem solvers as well.

8. Overcome Your Shyness

There is no reason to feel shy when visiting a strange country. We understand that it takes bravery to open up, but it will be worth it in the end. So, try talking to strangers, learn what they enjoy and dislike, and ask a casual question or two. Simply do not strive to offend them. This is how you could wind up forming lifelong friendships.

9. Choose Your First Tours With Caution

If you’ve always wanted to travel and have finally accumulated all of the necessary equipment, you’re ready to embark on your adventure. It is generally advisable to start with a rather well-known location.

It could be a visit to a family member living abroad or a group tour. This will provide you with a somewhat safe atmosphere in which to apply your skills and learn how things work. After a few journeys, you will be confident enough to proceed on the next, with numerous detailed plans.

10. Make a Goal Plan

A goal is required to be a successful entrepreneur. Divide your aim into doable bits. This manner, you may combine business networking tactics and your enthusiasm for travel to work towards each minor objective.

You can connect with people while traveling, but you can also accomplish a lot by seeing them in person. This is the quickest approach to establishing trust and guaranteeing your company grows in the right direction.

A good example would be to set an overall objective of 50% growth in the next six months. Instead of focusing on 50%, divide it into smaller goals. A weekly growth rate of 2% is more than enough to meet this goal. This is a much more manageable target!

This might be as simple as expanding your customer base by ten people. With a sales conversion rate of 20%, 10 additional leads can easily result in two additional sales. If you presently make 100 sales per week, this is the extra 2% you require.

11. Obtain a fresh perspective

It’s the exhilaration of immersing yourself in something new and unfamiliar that makes you want to pack your bags, not the cuisine. Travel is all about new experiences and experiencing the world through the eyes of others. However, you do not need to board an aircraft or even leave your hometown to encounter new surroundings.

If you’re currently at home, look for neighborhood walks you haven’t had time to explore, or take a new route to do a brief stroll around the block. Small changes can make a big difference.

12. Make a more fulfilling personalized journey.

To socialize on your solo journey, simply speak with a local on any social travel site. Traveling alone allows you to create a trip tailored to your specific desires and needs. When you travel with friends or family, the travel plans are usually based on everyone’s preferences. Everything, from the budget to the hotels and sightseeing spots, must be negotiated with your family/friends.

When you travel alone, though, no one can influence your itinerary or plans. You can plan the entire itinerary on your own, including the sites you will see, where you will stay (luxury/cheap hotel or a hostel), restaurants or food joints to check out the local food & dishes to satisfy your taste buds, and the activities you will participate in throughout your trip.

A solo journey also allows you to interact with locals more frequently, which can help you learn more about the local people, including their language, culture, and way of life. This is clearly not done while traveling with family or friends. On a travel buddy service, you can discover a travel buddy who is essentially a resident of the area you intend to visit.

13. There is no harm in being a little daring.

The only way to progress is to challenge yourself and venture outside of your comfort zone. Adventure is one thing that can guarantee you that.

So, try bungee jumping or skydiving; see how it feels and what sort of emotional flood all of these things open up within you.

Everyone has diverse tastes; all you have to do is choose something that appeals to you the most. In the end, you’ll feel relieved that you did it.

14. More Information

The first step in becoming a travel enthusiast is learning the fundamentals of their destinations. Getting some knowledge through travel, publications, books, or even internet is always worthwhile. You’d be better off reading a book than watching a Netflix series.

15. Prepare Both Your Mind And Your Body

Being a travel enthusiast necessitates physical fitness and the ability to enjoy the experiences that the globe has to offer. You can try yoga or other exercises, such as joining a gym. This will maintain your body fit and ready for long journeys.

Your mind, like your body, need attention. Stress-relieving activities can assist. If you are going through a difficult time, do not be afraid to seek counseling or medical attention.

16. Inquire with others about travel.

Talking with friends and relatives is a terrific method to get ideas for future journeys. Invite them to reminisce about their favorite experiences, and then quiz them on where they want to go next.

You might also ask our home-swapping community about their favorite vacation spots and preferred homes to swap with.

17. Make a plan for your future vacation.

Following on from your bucket list, preparing for your next trip is a terrific way to look forward to a brighter future.

Anticipating and planning a vacation may be just as enjoyable as the vacation itself, so try making an agenda for your next journey. Even if you won’t be able to choose particular dates, you can start by planning your ideal schedule, including things to see and do in your favorite areas. Read up on the location in travel guides, and feel free to message other Love Home Swap members who live in the areas you want to visit and ask for their recommendations.

18. Get Ready for the Worst

Always hope for the best while bracing for the worse. Building a networking profile, for example, will help you develop a network of contacts who can assist you uncover chances in the marketplace.

However, planning for the worse allows you to confirm facts. If you don’t, you could make an embarrassing or costly error.

19. Spend less money

Having the desire to travel alone may not always get you there. Having enough money set aside for travel-related expenses is critical. Traveling can be inexpensive, but only to a point.

There is always a minimal minimum below which you will be unable to really enjoy yourself. Begin saving for your trips as soon as possible.

20. It Isn’t Necessary to Always Follow Your Guidebook

It is not always required to follow the rules. Breaking bad can be entertaining at times. So, why not explore some off-the-beaten-path tourist destinations while you still have the opportunity?

How do you go about it? Assume you are in another Indian city; begin by asking natives about different places in India and learning about their culture. In the end, you’ll have a plethora of stories to brag about and share with your friends.

21. Participate in a Travel Club or Organization.

You can become a travel enthusiast in a variety of ways, for as by traveling to another nation to compete in a sports event. You may go deep sea or scuba diving, travel throughout the world to view historic religious sites, or even visit family members abroad.

The bottom line is that if you enjoy traveling, get out there and do it! Many groups and organizations specialize in assisting people in traveling. Companies like STA Travel, for example, are designed exclusively for college students searching for excellent prices on flights and accommodations.

Joining a club or organization is not only entertaining, but it may also save you a lot of money when planning your next international holiday!

22. Vicarious travel

Even if you are unable to physically travel, you can use your mind to transport yourself to a different area – all from the comfort of your own home. Read travel-themed literature, load up on travel guides, and even watch foreign films and television.

In reaction to everyone postponing vacation, numerous businesses, including the MoMA in New York City and the Natural History Museum in London, have decided to create virtual experiences of museums and art shows.

If you want to experience more nature-inspired travel, you may take a virtual field trip that includes a visit to numerous National Parks, an exploration of the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough, and even a stroll through some of the world’s most famous Botanical Gardens.

23. Budget

Every entrepreneur must assess their available budget and if they can afford a business trip or a new line of items.

As a travel enthusiast, you will need to have finances ready to go for work or personal vacations. However, the relevance of the budget for this will vary depending on whether you travel for business or merely for pleasure.

There is a significant distinction; the finest entrepreneurs will be able to combine both hobbies, earning money while traveling. Doing something you enjoy will make it simpler to adjust to problems and ultimately succeed.

Travel is a vital component of running a successful business. However, with a little forethought and a strong set of business networking tactics, you can lessen baggage anxiety and make the time productive, significantly improving your chances of success!

24. On the Move

If you want to be a full-time travel enthusiast, you will need a lot of money. If you don’t already have a large bank account, you should look for a job that allows you to travel.

Even if you work full-time and enjoy regular travel, chances are a significant portion of your earnings will be deducted. As a result, you’ll need more than one source of income to fund your interest.

25. Pack light at all times.

This is one of the most important things that any traveler should be aware of: there is no need to travel with all those big luggage and bulging bags.

Rather, the most enjoyable aspect of traveling light is to appreciate it. You’ll have less to haul, which means fewer things will go wrong. It will also save you a significant amount of time.

26. Don’t Lead A Sedentary Life

There’s no excuse to sit at home doing nothing if you want to become a travel aficionado. I used to be an overweight kid who hated going outside and rarely exercised.

However, as I grew older, I recognized that if I wanted to travel, I needed to adjust my lifestyle. Nowadays, I go to the gym on a daily basis, eat nutritious foods, and try to spend as much time outside as possible, all of which are necessary if you want to enjoy traveling!

27. Always Keep Your Phone Near You

It is usually a good idea to keep your smartphone with you at all times, whether you are in another nation or a different city inside your own.

In times of trouble, it can be a lifeline. As a result, maintain it charged at all times and ensure that your phone’s data is operational at all times.

28. Maintain a Positive Attitude Toward Life

Everyone experiences ups and downs in life, and as a travel enthusiast, you may experience them as well. Having a positive attitude regarding scenarios guarantees that you maintain your spirits even when things are bad.

Small things, like a delayed flight, can make you feel miserable, but if you retain a positive attitude, you might be able to find something better to do with the additional time you have on your hands.

29. Start cooking!

One of the best parts about traveling is getting to taste new foods. Make a concerted effort to vary your weekly menus and explore new foods from other cuisines. From making Japanese gyozas to preparing a pan of Spanish paella, not only will you get a taste of foreign cultures, but it’s also a fun activity for the whole family.

30. Listen to Traveling Musicians’ Music!

There are many musicians who traverse the world and perform at various venues in various nations. Bands such as Mumford & Sons, The Lumineers, and Beirut, for example, toured extensively before releasing their debut albums.

Although you may not travel as much as they did, listening to their music will allow you to discover how traveling influences their composition and style.

31. Study a new language

Unless you’re home-schooling, many of us have more free time, which makes this the ideal time to brush up on your French or finally grasp conversational Spanish. There are numerous excellent apps available; Duolingo is a well-known platform with over 31 languages, and Babbel is ideal for learning conversational phrases. Focusing on a language for one of your bucket list trips is a simple approach to committing to learning a new language.

32. Purchase Travel Insurance

Obtaining travel insurance is one of the responsibilities you should never neglect. Things may take a turn for the worst, and the only thing you can do is prepare.

Choose your travel insurance based on the type of trip you’re taking. The fact that you have covered some aspects of your journey will allow you to have a worry-free experience.

Furthermore, travel insurance includes a variety of services that you can use while traveling.

33. Describe your experience.

When you return from your vacation, you will have a lot to discuss with people about your travel experience. Because social traveling helps you to learn about a place’s culture and experience it as a local, the stories you offer will be more intriguing.

You might post your vacation adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, or you could blog about them on your own website. It will undoubtedly assist fellow travelers in learning how to travel solo in specific locations or in finding inspiration to take the appropriate path. You can also make money as a travel blogger by sharing your experiences. Many travelers monetize their blogs and utilize the proceeds to fund other trips across the world. You may be among them.

34. Check that your passport is up to date!

Let’s face it: no matter how much we enjoy traveling, there are times when we just want to stay at home and unwind.

You might be quite content sitting at home reading a wonderful book, but if you desire to travel. You must ensure that your passport is up to date in order to travel anywhere in the world at any time!

35. Go offline.

Consider taking regular breaks from digital news and social media, whatever you chose to do during this time. Set a time to check the news, perhaps first thing in the morning and then later in the evening.

Put the time you’d ordinarily spend on these applications toward activities you wouldn’t otherwise have time for. For example, instead of skimming through the headlines during a break at work, why not pick up the phone and contact a friend? Or how about a little walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air?


As a travel enthusiast, you have the freedom to travel the world and gain firsthand knowledge about anything you like. Allow yourself enough time to plan your vacations, gather information about your destinations, and financially secure your travels in order for a once-in-a-lifetime event to occur frequently. You can be there to capture the experiences within your memories as you gradually become a better traveler, whether it’s the auroras against the Nordic landscape or the shimmering waves in the silent breezy Caribbean nights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about What Is A Travel Enthusiast?

What does it mean to be a travel fanatic?

How to Become a Travel Addict

If you’re thinking, “Wait, a hodophile!” ” A hodophile is someone who enjoys traveling. That will undoubtedly catch your friends’ attention the next time you speak to them.

What motivates people to travel?

Work, family, health or medical treatment, and social or economic requirements are all possible reasons. Travelers like the leisure, new cultures, foreign food, and stunning vistas that are distinct from their typical surroundings. Some people appreciate the motion of traveling, whether they are on a boat, plane, or train.

What is the name of someone who enjoys traveling?

Hodophile (n.): Someone who enjoys traveling; a road trip enthusiast.

What is the term for a travel junkie?

They have Dromomania, which is defined as “an abnormal drive to travel” by specialists. According to studies, those who spend their money on experiences such as travel are happier in life. They are more open-minded and imaginative.

Who does a lot of traveling?

An EXPLORER is a single term for someone who travels.

Why is travel necessary for survival?

Traveling allows people to connect with one another through learning about culture, food, new places, music, and how people live their daily lives in different regions of the world. It’s the best on-the-job training available. The internet can only tell you so much about a location.

What effect does travel have on your personality?

Traveling provides the wonderful experience of seeing new locations, meeting new people, and learning about new cultures. It is said to be a helpful cure for life adjustment. This is because the process relieves stress and provides a sense of renewal.

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