Home Time Zone What Time is it in Hawaii?

What Time is it in Hawaii?

What Time is it in Hawaii
Photo credit: travelinplanet.com

What Time is it in Hawaii–Aleutian Standard Time (HST) is observed in the Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone by subtracting ten hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC10:00). This time zone’s clock time is determined by the mean solar time of the 150th meridian west of the Greenwich Observatory.

The zone is named after the two regions it encompasses Hawaii and the portion of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands west of longitude 169° 30′ W.

Alaska observes Hawaii–Aleutian Daylight Time (HDT, UTC09:00) during daylight saving time (DST), while Hawaii observes standard time. Since September 1945, Hawaii has no longer observed daylight saving time. [3

From 1900 until 1947, Hawaii’s standard time was UTC10:30. [4] [failure to verify] French Polynesia’s major cities observe UTC10:00. The Cook Islands use the same time as well.

These regions do not observe DST. Due to the fact that “Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone” is a U.S. term, Polynesian areas are not considered to be within this time zone.

Honolulu is the largest city in the Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone and the Honolulu Metropolitan Area is the zone’s largest metropolitan area.

What Exactly is a Time Zone?

A time zone is a geographic region that observes the same standard time. Typically, this time is based on the mean solar time of a specific meridian. While the majority of nations observe a single time zone, others have multiple zones. Commonly, the time zone is expressed as local time (for example 8:00 am). The time zone offset causes the local time to differ from the time. The time zone is the difference in time between arbitrary longitude, the prime meridian, and local time.

USA Clocks Are Now Operational

Summertime time change

Daylight Saving Time ends at 02:00 local time on November 6, 2022. The clocks fall back an hour.

The first day of Daylight Saving Time was March 13, 2022, at 02:00 local time. The clocks were advanced for one hour.

Past and future DST schedules for the United States and Canada

Daylight Saving 2022

The Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone is ten hours behind Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT-10 ).

Hawaii, unlike the majority of the United States, does not observe Daylight Saving Time and maintains its 10-hour difference from GMT throughout the year.

The Majority of The Time

During summer/Daylight Saving Time—or the Uniform Time Act, which, established to exploit energy during the first World War, accelerates clocks in the summer to make days longer—is not in our lexicon. The Aloha State opted out of the Act in 1967, joining Guam, Arizona, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin biggest Island, Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Islands.


Due to our proximity to the equator, there is a negligible time difference between sunrise and sunset throughout the entire year. (Where is winter?)

This unwavering dawn and dusk contribute to Hawaii’s real-time: Island (or Hawaiian) time, which is a phenomenon for non-Hawaiian residents but a completely natural way of life for those who are fortunate enough to call the 50th state home.

Note: Since 1983, any reference to Alaska-Hawaii standard time in any United States law, regulation, map, document, record, or other paper shall be construed as a reference to Hawaii-Aleutian standard time, as specified in this legislation excerpt.

Sound Enigmatic? This is Essentially The Point

Similar to Hawaii’s modern-day ethnic makeup, which is a mishmash of races resulting from colonialism, immigration during the sugarcane era, intermarriage, and its status as one of the most desirable “inbound” places in the world, island time can only be understood and maintained by those who live on the islands.

Comparable to the “soon come” of the West Indies, where, according to Duncan Hurd, today could mean tomorrow (a concept that translates to “bumbye” in Hawaii), island time is more languid than brash.

What Time is it Really in Hawaii?

Check this time for the current time in Hawaii and the time difference between you and the rest of the world. And why should you visit our stunning islands? You are literally in your own time zone, so feel free to savor the moment and take your time.

December Weather in Hawaii

The average December day in Hawaii experiences temperatures in the low 80s. December is one of the best months to observe poinsettias in their natural environment. It is not uncommon for temperatures to fall into the upper 60s in the evening.

Free HTML Website Clock for Honolulu

The Online HTML clock made available by 24TimeZones.com is a very elegant website widget! This analog HTML clock is adjusted for DST and always displays the correct time for Honolulu, Hawaii. Here, you can modify the color and size of your Honolulu clock or select a clock for any US city!

Seasons and Weather

Hawaii has only two seasons, named Hoolio and Kau by its indigenous inhabitants. These terms refer to winter and summer, respectively, but even during Hawaii’s winter, temperatures rarely drop below 75°F, making the island’s climate ideal for most people throughout the year.

Time Present, Time Past (Time Zone Converter)

Want to compare the time in Hawaii, United States to your local time? Select a date and time, then click “Submit,” and we will assist you in converting it from Hawaii, United States time to your time zone.

What is the Flight Time to Hawaii?

Flights to Hawaii are approximately 5 to 6 hours from the west coast, 8 to 9 hours from the center of the country, and 11 to 12 hours from the east coast, which is a long time to be miserable in an uncomfortable seat or on a subpar aircraft.

Time Zone Conversion From Hawaii, United States To Any

Need to compare more than two locations simultaneously? Utilize our World Meeting Planner to obtain a color-coded chart comparing Hawaii, and the United States local time to all other international locations where participants will be present.

Is Hawaii Six Hours Behind the United States?

Hawaii is 2 to 5 or 3 to 6 hours behind the rest of the U.S. mainland, depending on whether or not Daylight Savings Time is in effect. Hawaii is one of the few states not to observe Daylight Savings Time.

We Appreciate You Visiting WorldTimeServer.com

Are you making an international long-distance call to Hawaii, United States? Are you preparing for a trip, a chat, or an online meeting? Simply verifying the current time? We work diligently to ensure that the time and information displayed on WorldTimeServer.com are accurate and do our best to track Daylight Saving Time rules and Time Zone changes for every country, not just the United Kingdom.

We appreciate your visit and hope you’ll add our site to your bookmarks and return again.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about What Time is it in Hawaii?

Is it expensive to visit Hawaii?

There is a good chance that you will fall in love with the islands of Hawaii at first sight, but you should be warned: Hawaii is an expensive destination, or even a very expensive one if you want to participate in local activities or stay at one of the beautiful oceanfront resorts.

What season is it currently in Hawaii?

There are only two seasons for the majority of Hawaii: “summer” from May to October and “winter” from October to April.

Does Hawaii have two time zones?

The Current Time Zone Used in Hawaii

Hawaii uses Hawaii Standard Time year-round. There are no clock changes for Daylight Saving Time.

What is the duration of the flight from California to Hawaii?

The typical duration of a direct flight is 6 hours and 10 minutes.

The quickest direct flight between California and Hawaii takes 6 hours and 10 minutes.

What attire should I pack for a flight to Hawaii?

In general, we recommend that you wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t look like you’re going to the gym or doing yard work. Bring or wear a pair of comfy socks. Your feet lose a great deal of heat. A quality pair of socks will keep your toes toasty warm.

Why is the water in Hawaii so warm?

Second, the further west you travel, the warmer the water is beneath these winds. (This is caused by the Trade Winds, which push sun-warmed surface waters toward Asia.) The counter-current (however it began) transports a portion of the warm water to Hawaii.