Home Travel Tips Why Put a Crayon in Wallet : When You travel?

Why Put a Crayon in Wallet : When You travel?

Why Put a Crayon in Wallet
Photo Credit: travelinplanet.com

This is a peculiar phenomenon, but a recent travel question that has been making the rounds on the internet is “why should you carry a crayon in your wallet when you travel?” No one I knew had ever used this particular hack, so I did some research to determine if it actually worked. Here is what I discovered: few ideas, frequently repeated, and variable quality. I’ve ordered these suggestions from least to most ridiculous, so you can decide how absurd you want your day to be.

What is the Crayon?

A crayon is a drawing or coloring tool. It is frequently crafted from crayon-colored wax. In 1824, Derwent of England invented crayons. They are intended to produce a range of hues on paper or to assist in the creation of designs on fabrics and surfaces such as plaster, where oil-based paints cannot be used. Artists and children frequently use crayons to color or draw over eraser-blackened drawings.

How does it help?

You may have read about the crayon-in-wallet trick online and assumed it was just another travel hack! However, you would be mistaken, as the crayon in wallet life hack can not only assist parents and children while traveling but could also potentially save a life.

There are an infinite number of reasons why this life hack deserves the hype. In this article, we will discuss the crayon and wallet life hack and its benefits.

Why would you carry around a crayon in your wallet?

Crayons are a type of drawing instrument that has existed in one form or another for centuries. Crayons are made from a variety of substances, with wax being the most prevalent. Crayons are a popular choice for coloring and drawing because they are simple to use and come in a variety of hues.

There are numerous reasons for carrying a crayon in your wallet. One reason is that crayons are relatively small and portable, making them easy to transport. Crayons can be used for a variety of purposes, including drawing on paper, coloring in a coloring book, and even creating temporary tattoos.

If you are looking for an easy-to-use drawing tool that offers a variety of colors, a crayon is a good option. They are also compact and portable, allowing you to carry one in your wallet.

Why Should You Carry A Crayon In Your Wallet?

Here are the reasons crayons should be kept in your wallet:

  • The use of crayons will protect plastic cards in your wallet.
  • Crayons are the best tool for organizing your wallet. While traveling, you can draw or write with crayons.
  • You can utilize crayons when visiting art museums and zoos.
  • Because crayons are made of wax, they will not harm the contents of your bag or vehicle if you use them to draw.

Therefore, you can begin carrying crayons in your wallet when traveling.

How can a crayon be stored in a wallet?

The majority of people are unaware of the purpose of carrying crayons in their wallets. It dates back to the early 1900s and is actually a very old superstition. It is believed that carrying a crayon in your wallet will bring you good fortune.

The superstition likely originated from the fact that crayons were once made from lead. It was believed that carrying a lead crayon would bring good fortune because lead is a very fortunate element. Crayons are now made from wax, but the superstition persists.

Carrying a crayon in one’s wallet is still a prevalent superstition, particularly among school-aged children. It is believed to bring success on exams and tests. Therefore, if you ever experience test anxiety, grab a crayon and place it in your pocket!

What is the crayon in the wallet trick?

If you have ever visited a doctor’s office, you have likely witnessed the crayon in the wallet trick. It is a simple way to entertain children while they wait for their appointment. Here is how it operates:

  1. Provide each child with crayons and paper.

2. Instruct them to draw their favorite object.

3. Once they are finished, they should fold the paper and place it in their wallet.

4. As they leave, have them remove their wallet and show you their photo. This trick is effective because it is a simple way to occupy children. They are so intent on their drawing that they are unaware they are waiting.

And it’s a wonderful way to get to know the children you’ll be seeing frequently.

It Could Save the Life of a Child

Children in life-threatening circumstances cannot always request assistance. However, if you observe a child who may be in danger, you can give them a crayon. Notes written by children requesting assistance have saved their lives. A child using crayons to draw will not attract much attention.

Even if they do not write a note at the time, they can later leave clues (markings) or write a note on the bathroom wall if they are in a potentially life-threatening situation.

Sarah Elrod-Ausbrook was the first individual to employ this method. She had learned it as part of a course on child endangerment. Then, in Tennessee, she had an intuition that a young woman was in danger. After noticing red flags, she slipped a crayon into the pocket of a young girl.

It May Help You Live

Many abducted individuals have left forensic traces behind. Markings (occasionally arrows) are placed on walls and floors.

While you are unlikely to be kidnapped in your neighborhood, the situation changes when you travel. According to the United States Department of State, international kidnappings are on the rise. Moreover, American tourists are frequently targeted. Advantages Of Carrying A Crayon In Your Wallet

It is always available when you need it. When you are traveling through an airport, walking through a city, or riding in a taxi, the possibilities for crayon use are limitless, whereas you would never consider needing one in your room. The likelihood of someone checking your wallet is negligible.

Crayon is more persuasive than regular pen; at least you can’t use a pen to become wealthy! It is comfortable to hold and write with. Crayons do not become dry like pens do (of course, you can buy brand-new ones at any office supply store).

You can also draw a picture of your residence on the check! What is the definition of a professional traveler? The top five advantages of a professional traveler

Consequences Of Having A Crayon In Your Wallet

  1. Your bank may not accept the check if they do not know who you are or if there are sufficient funds in your account, but that is your problem, not the thief.
  2. You may be arrested for fraud or forgery, but don’t worry; the police will take you to a nice, private room and conduct a search! (While you’re there, you can give them all your cash and credit cards!)
  3. If someone tries this trick on you, tell them you’ll cash the check at a bank. The thief might flee! Call the police and request that they bring a net.
  4. If you need crayons immediately, they may not be available; perhaps there is no desk clerk at your hotel, or no one on the street speaks English.
  5. If you overdraw your account, the bank will charge you a hefty fee and may even sue you.
  6. Experts recommend carrying a crayon in your wallet.

If you want to add a little more color to your life, experts recommend carrying a crayon in your wallet. Specifically, a crayon. A crayon can be useful in a variety of situations.

Disadvantages Of Crayon In Your Wallet

1. Your bank may refuse to accept the check because they don’t know who you are or whether you have enough funds in your account, but that is your problem, not the thief’s.

2. You may be arrested for fraud or forgery, but don’t worry, the cops will take you to a nice, private room and look for you! (While you’re there, you can give them all your money and cards!)

3. If someone tries this trick on you, tell them you will cash the check at a bank. The thief may flee! In this case, contact the police and request a net.

4. Crayon may not be available if you need it right away; perhaps there is no desk clerk at your hotel, or no one on the street speaks English.

5. If you overdraw your account, the bank will charge you a large fee and may even sue you.

Stick Snopes in the wallet

In 2015, a social media rumor began to circulate that if you found a crayon in your wallet, it meant that you were the victim of an attempt at child trafficking. According to the rumor, the crayon was placed there by a trafficker to identify their victim. This rumor is not true.

There is no evidence that child traffickers mark their victims with crayons. The rumor likely began due to a misunderstanding of a legitimate trafficking technique. In some instances, traffickers will place a business card or other small item in the purse or wallet of a potential victim to signal their intent to traffic them.

This is referred to as a “flip card.” There is no evidence, however, that crayons are used for this purpose. If you discover a crayon in your wallet, it is most likely coincidental.

However, if you are concerned that you may be a victim of human trafficking, there are certain signs to look out for, such as being approached by someone who seems to offer you a job or opportunity that is too good to be true, being asked to keep a secret, or being offered money in exchange for sexual services. Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 if you suspect that you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking.

The Crayon in Your Wallet Could Save a Life

A green crayon can be useful in a variety of situations, from writing a quick note to signaling for assistance. Here are a few good reasons to keep a green crayon in your wallet: A green crayon is an ideal instrument for making a quick note.

Whether you need to remember an item at the grocery store or a key point in a meeting, a green crayon can assist you. A green crayon can be useful if you ever find yourself in a position where you need to signal for assistance. For instance, if you are lost in the woods and need to signal for help, you can use a green crayon to do so.

Additionally, a green crayon can be used to create art. If you ever feel creative, you can create a masterpiece with a green crayon. A green crayon can be used as an emergency light during a power outage. Simply holding the crayon up to a sheet of paper will provide sufficient illumination.

If you drop something in the dark and can’t find it, a green crayon can be of assistance. Simply hold the crayon close to the ground and it will illuminate the area, allowing you to locate what you’re seeking. So, there you have it: five reasons for keeping a green crayon in your wallet. Are there any green crayons in your wallet?

Where Did You Discover This Travel Tip?

The crayon in wallet life hack may seem insignificant, but it can help save a life because it is a discrete way to reach out to someone who may need assistance. A crayon can also be useful for children and adults when traveling, as it allows us to look away from our screens and allows us to draw.

Where Did You Learn This Travel Advice?

This “hack” was oddly featured in an advertisement for travel products and supplies. When I first read this tip, I assumed it was a hoax, a scam, or, even worse, an invitation to the unsavory side of the Internet.

Unlike the water bottle on your tires or the stuffed animal in your bathing suit, however, this somewhat dubious travel tip has proven to be unique. You can research the veracity of the other two stories on Snopes if you wish.

Why Use a Crayon?

People frequently give crayons to children. A random adult giving a child a crayon to play with would not raise any red flags in restaurants, fairs, or dentist offices, so there would be no reason to be alarmed if this occurred.

The paper wrapped around the crayon is for the child to write a note or the word “HELP.” Oh, and one final note regarding the crayon. They write constantly. In contrast to a pencil, which can break its lead, or a pen, which may dry up or require a great deal of manipulation to get the ink flowing, a crayon will produce a mark even if it is reduced to a nub.

But Wait, There’s More

I also mentioned a safety aspect of this tip, which also relates to children. As most of you are aware, there are countless children and young adults who are being held against their will or who fear for their safety. However, they have no way to ask for assistance without risking their captor’s wrath.

Tell Me About the Serenity Aspect of Carrying a Crayon in My Wallet.

If you have ever traveled with a bored child, you already know everything you need to know. A crayon and a sheet of paper can provide hours of endless amusement for a child. A child who is occupied is a quiet child, and only quiet children should be permitted on an airplane. If you only use the hack once for this reason, it will have already paid for itself.

What is the Specific Strategy or Hack?

This is the description of the hack that I discovered on Distractify, a website that collects and investigates such tips and tales. It is prudent to carry a crayon in your wallet whenever you travel. Now, the article on Distractify also suggests wrapping the crayon in a sheet of paper. The reason for this will become apparent shortly.


It can be helpful to carry a crayon in your wallet when traveling. This can be used to color in maps and aid in route planning, as well as to keep track of where you’ve been and what you’ve seen. It can also be used to record the contact information of people you meet and expenses incurred. Having a crayon in your wallet is a convenient way to keep track of your travels and ensure you have all the necessary information on hand.

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